tisdag 28 september 2010

…and Obliteration wanted to destroy the tv

Dagens underskattade hardcoreband: SNFU. Ladda ner deras ”…and no one else wanted to play” eller köp den i en reaback nära dig. Alla gillar den. Utom Olivia Obliteration, som föredrar Necrovore-demon.

”Döööö tv! Döööö! Jag haaaataaar diiig!!!”

Soundtrack: ”Psychological conflict” 7” med Nausea.

7 kommentarer:

Parne sa...

Det här var lite mer begripligt än när jag fick storyn rejält bantad som mms.

Anonym sa...

vaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Original press!? One of the best bands ever - love 'em, seen 'em, got ALL the records and even watched the documentary - have written in depth about how underrated they were as well, in several medium!

Herral de Santina sa...

How do I know if it is OG press? It was 1.95 USD at Amoeba in SF during the 00’s, so I doubt it is OG.

Tomas sa...

First press is with that photo of the little boy holding a grenade. This is the third or fourth press.

Herral de Santina sa...

Still - worth a buck nintyfive!

Herral de Santina sa...

Wow: http://www.popsike.com/php/detaildatar.php?itemnr=280525009369

Is the Victims tune ”This is the end” a blatant rip off the SNFU tune ”This is the end" or just a coincidence?

Anonym sa...

@Thomas - yeah that's right I'm getting confused, I remembered that they had to change the cover but yeah, checking the documentary it was 'cos they didn't have the permission to use that first pic.

@138 - yup, worth every penny plus just for "Cannibal Cafe alone!"