“That night, on 9/11, Rumsfeld came over and the others, and the president finally got back, and we had a meeting. And Rumsfeld said, You know, we’ve got to do Iraq, and everyone looked at him – at least I looked at him and Powell looked at him – like, What the hell are you talking about? And he said – I’ll never forget this – There just aren’t enough targets in Afghanistan. We need to bomb something else to prove that we’re, you know, big and strong and not going to be pushed around by these kind of attacks. And I made the point certainly that night, and I think Powell acknowledged it, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. That didn’t seem to faze Rumsfeld in the least, It shouldn’t have come as a surprise. It really didn’t, because from the first weeks of the administration they were talking about Iraq. I just found it a little disgusting that they were talking about it while bodies were still burning in the Pentagon and at the World Trade Center.”
Richard Clarke, Vita Husets högste rådgivare i terroristfrågor.
Nya Vanity Fair bjuder på fascinerande ögonvittnesrapporter från 8 år av korruption och förbluffande inkompetens. George W. Bush alltså, vilken lallare. Och Dick Cheney och Donald Rumsfeld, vilka Darth Vader-karaktärer.
Soudtrack: en pv-buffé bestående av Crossed Out (allt), Infest (båda lp:s), Dropdead (8”), Man Is The Bastard (allt), No Comment (”Common senseless” 7”).
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